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StellerVista Grants


Two Steller Grant Programs

Through the course of the year, we offer two different grant programs to the members of our communities: StellerStarts and StellerImpact. These two programs are built to capture any project, effort, or event that may consider supporting, big or small. Applications for StellerStarts are open April through May, and generally are meant to cover smaller local events and initiatives. Applications for StellerImpact grants are open July through September, and are generally meant be a portion of funding for a larger project impacting a broader community. Learn more about each program at the links below.

Key Areas of Focus

Community Building
Community Building
Education & Financial Literacy
Education & Financial Literacy
Family & Youth Programs
Family & Youth Programs
Health & Recreation
Health & Recreation
Arts and Culture
Arts and Culture
Regional Quality of Life
Regional Quality of Life


An annual grant program, funding local events and initiatives run by local groups, at amounts between $100-$500.
Applications Open April 1st to May 31.



An annual grant program, funding special one-off projects within the region, at amounts between $1000-$5000.
Applications Open July 15th to September 15th.

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